S30 PODYLAS™ is a multidisciplinary laser system podiatry allowing the Podiatrist to treat a wide variety of common diseases in his daily practice: from different types of onychomycosis, to plantar warts, through intractable plantar Keratosis or bunions, among many others.


Onychomycosis – most commonly known as nail fungus– is a fungal infection in the nails, which affects approximately 10% of the population. The main cause of this infection are dermatophytes, a type of fungus that distorts color, shape and thickness of nails, to destroy them completely if measures are not taken to combat them.

Until recently treatment options were limited to creams, topical lacquers and oral medication with toxic effects. Today the advances in medical technology allow us to have a new effective nontoxic method to treat simply and easily fungus: S30 PODYLAS ™ laser treatment.

Laser is applied to infected nails and the skin surrounding them, alternating horizontal and vertical passes. The procedure is repeated to treat all the infected area. Energy penetrates up to the nail bed, destroying fungi. The average time of a treatment session is about 10-15 minutes, depending on the number of affected fingers. This is a painless, easy, fast, effective and safe treatment with no side effects. S30 PODYLAS™ laser system allows to effectively treat all types of Onychomycosis:

Distal and lateral Subungual Onicodistrophy (OSDL)
Superficial white Onychomycosis (OBS)
Proximal Subungual Onychomycosis (PAHO)
Total Onicodistrofia (OT)
Endonyx (ED)

Plantar warts

Plantar warts are painful lesions caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV type 1). They appear in variable number in the soles of feet, sometimes themselves giving rise to mosaic warts similar to corns. They may also occur in toes.

When they grow at the support points of feet, plantar warts are usually coated with a layer of hard skin forming a compact plate sunk into the skin because of pressure. These warts produce black dots in the center, as in the case of common warts. Laser is one of the faster more comfortable and effective treatment tools for plantar warts.

The procedure is the same as in the case of onychomycosis, applying laser on all plantar wart surface, after debridement of the infected area. Depending on the number of warts, you may need multiple laser sessions to eliminate them completely. Laser is increasingly more used for the treatment of different types of warts.

Warts resistant to other treatments
Warts located in anatomical regions of difficult access
Verrugas situadas en regiones anatómicas que de difícil acceso
Anatomical areas where multiple treatments may be required (as in plantar warts)
Anatomical areas where it is essential to leave a good aesthetic result (as in face)
Cases of multiple warts

Neurovascular hellomas

Helloma durum and tiloma or hyperkeratosis are quite frequent in the podiatrist practice. Both lesions are produced by an alteration in the process of keratinization. They arise from due to the increase in pressure for the use of an inappropriate footwear, altered biomechanics, or a high degree of activity. The main treatment used is lesion debridement by scalpel to discharge and redistribute pressure.

Intractable Plantar Keratosis

Postoperative podiatric surgery of soft parts (cut, coagulation and vaporization);Hallux-valgus and fingers trigger
Fascitis Plantar
Tendinitis Aquileia
Metatarsalgia and hallux-valgus

Minor surgery of soft tissues (cut, coagulation and vaporization)

Minor surgery of soft tissues

Podiatric postoperative of hallux-valgus and finger trigger

Podiatric postoperative of hallux-valgus and finger trigger

Plantar Fascitis

Plantar Fascitis

Tendinitis Aquileia

Tendinitis Aquileia

Metatarsalgia and hallux-valgus

Metatarsalgia and hallux-valgus